Author : Montagné ProsperTitle : The new Larousse gastronomique The encyclopedia of food, wine & cookeryYear : 1938Link download : Montagne_Prosper_-_The_new_Larousse_gastronomique.zipPrefaces. by Auguste Escoffier and Philéas Gllbert to the original edition of Larousse Gastronomique. Publishers' note. Escoffier died before the first edition of Larousse Gastronomique was published in 1938; the great 'king of cooks and the cook of kings' wrote his preface after reading the first draft of the manuscript, Philéas Gilbert later saw the complete work and added a supplementary preface. The history of the table of a nation is a reflection of the civilization of that nation. To show the changes in the order and serving of meals from century to century, to describe and comment on the progress of the French cuisine, is to paint a picture of the many stages through which a nation has evolved since the distant times when, as a weak tribe, men lived in dark caves, eating wild roots, raw fish and the still pulsating flesh of animals killed with the spear. ...
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